Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Health Insurance details may cost around $5,000.

What you are looking at is not a series of numbers, it is your future. This is not a deductible, it is a finish line. That is not a copay, it is a much needed doctor visit.

When someone shops for health insurance, they frequently consider the cost as the primary feature. A low cost plan is always what we recommend if you are healthy, but consider with us for a moment that when you are shopping for these plans, you are looking at how risky a plan is. You are considering what chance you will have to pay thousands of dollars for medical care.

How Can You Be Sure This Plan IS the Best Option for Me?

This question should always be asked of your insurance agent. I have made the mistake frequently of asking hundreds of questions then presenting what I believe is the best option, but not always saying why. Your insurance agent is here to help you consider risk vs. reward, in other words, is the risk of paying $5,000 before benefits kick in worth it for a reduced monthly cost.

Always make sure you consider the risk of going cheap. Call us if you need help, and we will be glad to help you out! 

Point 1 Insurance 760-302-4545